rent or buy

As many companies begin to get back into the office, the age-old question returns: should you buy or rent an office? Your office space says a lot about your company and provides your clients with a first impression of your business. You don’t necessarily need to buy an entire office to make this happen, though; in fact, it might be better to rent executive office suites.

Is It Generally Better to Buy or Rent an Office?

For the most part, companies find that it is better to rent an office space. Finding your own space, and making that purchase, can be both time-consuming and costly. Renting simplifies the process.

Quick Start

Whether you’re a small business or your business is expanding, renting an office that is furnished and ready to go will save you time getting started. You only need to worry about adjusting to your office because everything will be set up already for you.

Save on Cost

Buying an office space is an expensive venture. Not to mention that you must remain at that office space for the foreseeable future after making such a significant investment. 

With a leased office, you will be able to rent that office where you need it when you need it, and only for as long as you need it. Save yourself some money on rental costs and spend that money somewhere else. Furthermore, you don’t need to pay for any building costs or maintenance.


Real estate is expensive, so buying a place in a prime location will cost you significantly. You still want to be in a good location, though, so renting will put you in a great spot without putting a crunch on your bank account.

Think about renting in a prime location which will lead to more foot traffic and more business. You might even be able to tap into an untapped market by specifically renting in a location that lacks competitors.

Easy Expansion

It’s also easier to rent rather than to buy. You’re saving time and effort because everything is already set up for you. This is true even if you need to expand your business along the way: you can easily rent additional rooms or space as needed.

You can also downsize easily with a rented space too. You only need to move out of that office and to somewhere smaller if you need to.

Existing Solutions

You don’t need to set up anything in your rental office—there are often even existing IT solutions for your space. You can pick an office space with the set up you need and which you can customize to fit your business more efficiently. You might even be able to talk to your landlord about any specialized support you need.

When to Buy?

For the most part, you would be better off renting your office space. There are times that it may be better to buy, though, like if you’re looking for the increased stability that comes with buying a commercial property.

You won’t need to worry about finding a new place when your lease is up, and you will have complete control over the entirety of the building. Since you own it, you don’t need to be concerned about any rental increases either. However, just be sure to budget for maintenance and more as these costs will be your responsibility.


Your business needs an office space. Whether you buy or rent one is the question, though. Renting generally ends up being the better option, with more flexibility, a lower cost, and an easier transition too. There may be some situations where buying works better for you, but take a minute to think about your business needs before you make a decision. 

Office Space Rentals

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