shared workspace startups

There’s a lot to keep in mind when you begin planning and creating your startup. Everything needs to be set up efficiently, including where you’ll work.

Finding a workspace for your startup can feel like a challenging journey. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be. Shared workspaces are a relatively inexpensive place to begin your startup. Not convinced? Read on to find out why an Orlando shared office space for rent is perfect for your startup.

Advantages of Shared Workspaces

Shared workspaces are perfect for any startup business as they offer numerous advantages. They’re designed to help you focus on your work and provide you with necessary amenities and sometimes even a few extra perks.


Unlike a leased-office space, shared workspaces allow plenty of flexibility. For example, most spaces will offer monthly memberships instead of a year-long contract. This makes it easier for you to pull out if you decide that the workspace isn’t for you or if you need a different location.

Shared workspaces even offer various membership types. You can have a private office for a small team, a private desk for more peace and quiet, or a hot seat if you don’t need an office space nearly as often. 

Networking Opportunities

Many shared workspaces offer networking events and seminars for their members. As a startup, this can help you make good connections and increase your business’s network. 

Since shared workspaces are often full of other startup entrepreneurs, they can be great places to meet new people. When your business first starts out, it can be a long and lonely journey. In a shared workspace, you won’t feel so alone as you embark on your journey of entrepreneurship.

Easy Expansion

When your startup and team begin to grow, you’ll need to expand your workspace. If you have a lease on an office, this could make expansion difficult. You’re stuck until your contract ends and suddenly, there are too many people for the office.

In a shared workspace, you can easily upgrade your membership and book the extra spaces you need. In addition, you don’t have to wait for a contract to expire and you can keep working in the same place.

Considerations for Your Startup Office Space

Before you decide on where you want your office space to be, there are some things to keep in mind. Even if shared workspaces don’t require a contract, you don’t want to set up your office in a space that will quickly lose its appeal.


Location is important. Customers are more likely to be attracted to businesses that are easy to find so you should keep in mind how accessible your office space is. Think about the type of customers you want to attract and where they’re likely to live and work. You should pick a workspace that’s near your target audience.

Expansion Abilities

Many shared workspaces are flexible, but you should still look into any limits they might have. Once your startup hires 15 people, will you still be able to rent enough office space for them?

Potential expansion should be something to look for, but it isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker. If you only plan on having a handful of employees by the end of the year, you can probably push it aside. However, if you want to have a booming business and over 25 workers, you should consider an office space that will permit that.


Shared workspaces are great for startups because they offer flexible membership plans at affordable prices. While you’re just getting started, you can meet new people and network without even leaving the office space. For startups that need flexibility, easy expansion, and affordable pricing, shared workspaces are the best way to go.

Coworking Space

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