shared office

The global pandemic has truly changed the world and how people live as most people had to transition from an office to a home-based setup. However, as more people get vaccinated by the day, you might already be seeing the possibility of going back to the office pretty soon. 

While some people are excited for things to get back to a relative normal, there are those that may be hesitant to get back to a shared office space. If you are stressed about returning to the office, here are some tips to help you get back there. 

Tips to Transition From an At-Home Workspace Back to an Office Workspace

Find the Cause of the Stress

Typically, the first step to solving a problem is to determine the root of the problem. When it comes to stress about returning to the office, what is the root of that stress? For many, the first cause of stress is safety. 

Another cause of stress for many people is social anxiety which is understandable. After more than a year of social distancing, people have lost familiarity with how to socialize with other people. This might be especially true for those who have actually enjoyed being isolated at home during the pandemic. 

Whatever the root cause of your stress may be, take time to dive deep and understand it so you can then address it.

Mentally Prepare Yourself

Psychologists suggest that one way to alleviate stress in certain situations is to mentally prepare yourself for it. When it comes to stress about returning to the office, try imagining your first day. 

Imagery is a powerful tool that can help people get relaxed in anxious situations. Imagine an entire day from waking up, preparing for work, headed to work, and meeting coworkers. Having a scenario in your head is enough to make you feel a little more prepared for it.  

Be Vocal of Your Concerns

If you’re more reserved and tend to remain quiet about your concerns, being more vocal of your concerns this time round can help to alleviate your stress. Understandably, this is a time when people have many concerns and it is imperative that you know you can voice them out instead of burying them quietly, aggravating your stress and anxiety.

If you feel uneasy about the number of people going back to the workspace that will fill the place, be vocal about it. If you feel the health and safety protocols being implemented are not enough for you to feel safe, say something about it. Returning back to the office can be a stressful experience and you should feel like you have some power over it. 


Stress about returning to work is completely valid. For the past year, people have been told to stay at home and practice social distancing. Now that some people are being told to come back to the office, it all feels surreal. Take note of these tips to alleviate your stress and help make your transition smoother.

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